French Israel

Friday, July 23, 2004

I'm blogging from downtown Jerusalem, Yaffo Street. (Or "Jaffa", as some people call it for some reason.) It's been a little more than a week since I moved into my new apartment, and a few days since I began my official Oulpan. And everything is going great.

Bezeq was amazingly quick at installing my new line in the apartment. Kavei Zahav was wonderful about moving my DSL account from the old number to the new one. But... for me to convince Bezeq to move my Kavei Zahav DSL signal from the old account to the new one is a different story. Hence, I'm blogging from Yaffo Street, on the internet for the first time in a week.

Those who know the Atlanta scene, and who knew me there, probably knew whom I was talking about when I said, a couple of weeks ago, that I have a friend who is in Special Forces training in the Tsahal (IDF). He used to be my 'hevrouta, briefly, while we were living in Athens, attending the University of Georgia. Well, he just finished his year and a half of training, and is probably in the most excellent shape of anyone in Erets Yisra�l at the moment. I just ran into him at the Central Bus Station (snuck up on him, actually, to my delight), after not having seen him for well over that year and a half.

I had run into his brother, who is studying in the Mir yeshivah, several times over the last month, and we had made plans for them to come over this Shabbat. So it was pretty cool to see him today, even before he has had time to get a checkup at the hospital and get some sleep.

These guys are a couple of my role models, both for aliyah and for all-around idealism. I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say in coming days about our time together this Shabbat. But for now, I'm on the clock, so it's time to close this.

One more piece of news. I'm planning to branch into French-language postings here on this blog. Those of you who may be wanting to ask, "Why French?!" will have your answers. The title of this blog should start making more sense, though. That's enough for now.
Pinḥas Ivri 11:15


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